
Chore Checklists

One of our family's goals this year is to have the kids take more responsibility in keeping the house clean. It's a lot of work for a family of 6.

To help them out...and make my life a little easier...I made chore checklists.  For each job they are responsible for there is a list of task that need to happen in order for the job to be done {these are for daily jobs...weekly (Saturday) jobs are more in-depth, because the deeper cleaning happens then}

They are super easy to make, here's what to do:

Print out each Room/job with the list of required tasks on your computer.  Use big bullet points to use as check boxes.  Also be sure to print them onto heavy duty card stock--they need to hold up to lots of use.

Cut out to desired size, mine are all about 8.5 x 3 inches,  

Laminate.  You can either take them somewhere or use clear contact paper (like I did).  The contact paper works great & is very cost effective.  
Cut out contact paper so it is a little more than the width x twice the height of the card, remove backing.
Place card face down onto bottom half of the sticky side of the contact paper.  Fold over and press (really press well along the edges), so both sides are laminated.
Trim extra contact paper, leaving a slight border.

Use a dry erase marker to check off finished tasks & wipe off when completed.
Happy Cleaning!

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1 comment:

KayC. said...

Where, I wonder, did you get that idea? (It always worked great for you kids) xoxoxo

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